Here’s Why Early Dental Treatment Is Crucial!
Regular dental visits not only solve common oral health problems but can prevent them. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), just 63 percent of adults aged 18 and over saw a dentist in the past year. While many people don’t look forward to seeing their dentist every six months, scheduled visits are important.
Why Visit Your Dentist Regularly?
Preventative dental care is designed to help you keep your teeth and gums healthy for a lifetime. The main purpose of preventative dental care is to:
- Promote good oral hygiene habits.
- Lower your risk of developing tooth decay, gum disease, and other dental conditions.
- Enable your dentist to examine your mouth, jaw, and neck for health concerns.
- Identify and resolve small problems before they become larger and more costly problems.
- Reduce dental issues related to chronic medical conditions, such as osteoporosis, diabetes, and certain cancers.
What Does Your Dentist Look for During Visits?
Visiting your dentist every six months for a checkup is important. However, there may be times when you need to see your Melbourne Florida Dentist between visits.
For example, contact your dentist if you experience frequent bleeding after brushing or flossing, chronic dry mouth, or receding gums. Also, contact your dentist if you have loose or shifting teeth, bumps or sores in your mouth, or develop a toothache.
Receiving early treatment for these dental problems can help avoid potential rising cost and discomfort that you’ll like to encounter if you wait. Here are some things that your dentist will look for during a dental visit:
1. Plaque & Tartar Buildup
Plaque is a sticky substance formed when bacteria in the mouth mix with starchy or sugary foods. If not promptly removed by regular brushing and flossing, plaque can harden into tartar. Tartar is difficult to remove without professional help from your dental hygienist.
2. Tooth Decay
Regular visits to your dentist can help remove plaque and tartar buildup from your teeth before it has the chance to erode teeth or create holes, which is how cavities are formed. An early sign of tooth decay can often be reversed through a method known as remineralization.
3. Gum Disease
Plaque and tartar buildup not only impacts the teeth but can also erode gum tissue. When this happens, an infection often develops where the gum attaches to the teeth. This causes the gum to pull away or recede. This type of infection is known as gingivitis. With early treatment, your dentist can help you recover from gum disease before it has devastating effects on your smile.
4. Oral Cancer in mouth
Oral cancer is a serious condition that can present itself with a number of symptoms early on. This includes mouth sores that don’t heal, mouth pain, ear pain, painful swallowing, and loose teeth. Your dentist is highly trained to recognize these symptoms and will look for signs of oral cancer.
5. Other patient Conditions
Your dentist can also check for other conditions during your appointment that may be in their early stages. This includes impacted teeth, jawbone issues, cysts, swellings, or tumors, which can all be found through x-ray imaging. Your dentist can also help identify problems developing due to habits like grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw.
Call Artistic Touch Dentistry for an Appointment
Before you skip your next dental appointment, remember the importance of early treatment. Many risks come from going extended periods without seeing your dentist. It could lead to a painful condition that is costly to treat. For more information and to schedule an appointment, call our office today at (321) 722-4442.