It’s Time For A Dental Check Up
Taking care of your teeth is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Thankfully, preventing cavities and other oral maladies like periodontal disease is possible with daily oral habits. Yet, one of the most important things you can do to keep up on your oral health is make twice-yearly appointments with your Melbourne, Florida dentist. A bi-annual dental check up can help you maintain and improve your oral health year after year, and the relationship you build with your dentist will benefit you for a lifetime.
Good Things Come In Twos
To take care of your teeth your Melbourne, Florida dentist always seems to be talking in twos. Brush your teeth twice daily for two minutes each time. Your daily routine should consist of two activities: brushing and flossing. It’s important to see your dentist twice each year. If you’ve ever wondered why the number two is so important in dentistry, you’re not alone. Our mouths are under constant pressure and stress, by checking up on them twice each day we give these tissues a break from the constant battle they do with the food we consume. By removing this bacteria for two minutes at a time, we give our mouths a much needed rest from deploying anti-inflammatory responses, and enable our body’s healing mechanisms to do their work and send calcium, magnesium, and fluoride to our teeth where they can be re-fortified and rebuilt from the inside. By cleaning your teeth before you go to bed you remove all the food – read fuel – for the bacteria that may have been left behind from your daily meals. And, by repeating this practice once you wake up, you’re giving your mouth a fresh start and removing the fast acting bacteria that is able to replicate within eight hours. Seeing your dentist twice each year is much like our daily ritual. A dental check up provides much needed maintenance of a healthy mouth, and it also allows your dentist to detect and treat potential issues before they become major problems.
Dental Check Ups and Disease Prevention
People who only go to the dentist when something is wrong have a skewed view of what a dentist actually does. Sure filling cavities and dental implants are impressive, but a your Melbourne, Florida dentist’s real job is to help you maintain a healthy smile. This is why scheduling a dental checkup every six months is so important. Issues like dental caries and periodontal disease do not crop up overnight. They are chronic conditions that take much longer than six months to manifest. Cavities can be spotted when they are just weakened enamel months before the dentin begins to decay. If you see your dentist more than once a year, she will be able to find these weak spots, provide you with a fluoride treatment and if necessary fill a small cavity. In no time she’ll be sending you your way with renewed understanding of how to best maintain your smile. If you let a toothache go on and on until you cannot stand it anymore, more dental work will likely be necessary. Root canals, tooth extractions, the placement of crowns and dental implants are all amazing technologies that were designed to alleviate pain and restore function to the teeth after trauma, however every one of them can be prevented if action is taken early when you see your Melbourne, Florida dentist frequently.
Similarly and most importantly detecting and reversing gum disease before it develops into periodontal disease is one of Dr. Brazdo’s main concerns. Periodontal disease is a major concern for every patient. Most American adults will develop this disease as they age and it is the cause of tooth loss and diseased gums. More concerning however, is its link to several life-threatening chronic conditions such as kidney disease, cardiac disease, and diabetes. Periodontal disease is not curable, it can only be maintained with diligent oral care after an invasive scaling and planing is performed to remove bacteria. Thankfully, periodontal disease is not an acute condition. Every case of this disease begins as gum disease, or gingivitis. This low grade inflammation of the gums is very common and can be reversed if caught. By seeing your dentist twice each year she can learn if you are at risk of gum disease and help you to change your oral health habits to reverse the effects of this disease, thus thwarting periodontal disease and keeping you and your teeth healthier for a lifetime.
Dental check ups are one of the most important aspects to your dental health. If it’s about time you saw your Melbourne, Florida dentist, give our office a call today. We can’t wait to see you and help you maintain your healthy smile!