A Male Dentist Treating Teeth Of Young Pregnant Woman Patient Lying In Clinic

Oral Health in Pregnancy: What Every Mom Should Know

One of the first phone calls you make after you learn that you’re pregnant should be to your dentist in Melbourne, FL. Dentistry is perfectly safe during all trimesters. However, there are some health risks that you and your baby can face if you don’t take good care of your teeth and gums during pregnancy. Your dentist can spot potential problems that your doctor might not even ask about. Here are some things that every mom should know about oral health in pregnancy. 

Oral Health Risks During Pregnancy

A developing baby uses up a lot of nutrients from the mom. It might sound cliché to say that you’re “eating for two,” but it’s true. Your primary care doctor will likely recommend a prenatal vitamin to help fill some nutrient gaps you will experience.

Pregnant women are at a much higher risk of developing cavities. This is likely due to the increased carbs and sugars in a pregnant woman’s diet. Morning sickness can also be a contributing factor because vomiting can damage the enamel on your teeth.

You will also be at greater risk of developing gingivitis during pregnancy. This infection in the gum tissue is the early stage of gum disease, and it can lead to periodontitis or full-blown gum disease if it’s not treated promptly. The CDC estimates that between 60 and 75 percent of all women will develop gingivitis when they’re pregnant. If you develop periodontitis, it can make the gums spongy and might even result in tooth loss.

How Poor Oral Health Can Impact Your Baby

Pregnancy is perfectly normal, and it’s not a health problem. However, the fluctuating hormones in your system during this time can bring about rapid changes in your body. Infected gums are not only a risk to the mother but also to her baby if left untreated. Severe gum disease can result in several different adverse outcomes for a pregnancy. This can include pre-eclampsia, which is a dangerously high blood pressure condition. Studies have also found that periodontitis can contribute to low birth weight and premature delivery. This is why it’s so crucial that you take good care of your teeth and gums during pregnancy.

Dentistry is Perfectly Safe in All Trimesters

Only about 50 percent of women make an appointment with their dentist when they’re pregnant, according to one national health survey. Sadly, this is because many women have a misguided belief that dental procedures, particularly X-rays, could be harmful to their babies.

The American Dental Association and the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) agree that dental X-rays will not harm a baby in the womb. A baby is exposed to more background radiation daily from a mom’s cellphone, and the Wi-Fi signals in her home and workplace. The mouth is the only body part exposed to an X-ray’s very low radiation dose. We take every precaution at Artistic Touch Dentistry to ensure you and your baby are safe.

If you need a dental procedure that could put your baby at risk, your dentist will figure out a way to mitigate or lessen the problem until the baby is delivered. You should consider your dentist in Melbourne, FL, a part of your pregnancy care team rather than someone to be avoided until after you give birth!

Oral Care During Pregnancy

Brush and floss your teeth at least twice daily during pregnancy, and rinse your mouth with mouthwash afterward. Stick to a healthy diet and follow the nutritional guidelines provided by your doctor, including taking those daily prenatal vitamins.

You should also schedule a checkup with your dentist as soon as you know you’re pregnant. It’s much better to learn that you have a cavity and get it filled before you go through all the stages of pregnancy because the problem will only get worse over time. Be sure to let your dentist know you’re pregnant, and feel free to ask any questions about pregnancy and oral care.

If you’re pregnant and need to schedule an appointment, contact us at Artistic Touch Dentistry, and we’ll schedule you as soon as possible!